Entries from September 2009


September 30, 2009

I often complain about my surroundings.  However, I find if I simplify things…

I like them quite a lot.  xo mrs. french
*subtle words inspired by the diary

apple green…

September 30, 2009

tis’ the season for pretty apples, apple green and apple inspired perfection…

loving fall so much…xo mrs. french

my happy place: a home with a view…one I don’t want to leave…

September 29, 2009

I had a completely different choice for this afternoon’s post and then I stumbled into this view…

and the rest of it sealed the deal…the other lovely interior will have to wait…

maybe because it’s wet and cloudy, maybe because my tummy doesn’t feel quite right, or maybe because I have a to-do list a mile long…I wish I could leap into this post for the afternoon…or maybe longer…xo mrs. french
via the portfolio of the brilliant photographer simon watson

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