Entries from October 2009


October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween from the Frenches!

I hope it is full of spoooooky!
oh and B would like to make a contribution to his favorite holiday at the moment…
he put it together here.  It is appropriately titled “spooky momma.” 
xo mrs. french


October 30, 2009

Yasmine is a crazy woman.  Delightfully crazy!  I don’t know how she does it?  She is a force to be reckoned with.  I met Yamine about 2 years ago and knew her primarily as an illustrator and designer…an amazing one at that.  Now you can add publisher, editor, writer to the mix.  Somehow she has started the most beautiful online magazine, PARASOL. PARASOL promotes talented folks…she could fill a magazine with all she does, but instead has chosen to highlight what others create and it’s beautiful…oh and free!  Issue 5 is out and it’s a good one…

featuring some of my long-time favorites (and some new ones)…
to name a few…oh and mememe!

I was lucky enough to make it in this issue and is a creative highlight for sure.  Check out PARASOLMAG 5 you will be happy you did…

Thank you so much Yasmine for all of your talents and making me a part of one of your many masterpieces.  I am beyond honored!  xo mrs. french

Sarah Maingot

October 29, 2009

Sarah Maingot is one of my very favorite photographers.  I am amazed with her abilities to convey softness with concentrated use of color and to make a statement with subtle or no color.  I think the contradictions in photography are what separate novices from professionals.  I happily struggle with it everyday.

My adventures into this big, beautiful world of photography has taught me so much and inspired me in countless ways.  Sarah Maingot is a reminder of all I have to learn.  

Design by Ana Degenaar + Development by Brandi Bernoskie