i often times have daydreams about what it would be like to be an illustrator of children’s books. i can’t think of a more lovely profession. i would love to insert myself into a world of magical lands, whimsical characters and fantastic tales. sadly, this could never be the case since i have absolutely no talent when it comes to illustrating anything…drawing with b consists of stick figures and lots of balloons. which is why i choose to admire beautiful children’s book illustrators from the outside. one of my very, very favorite is anna walker.
many of you are probably familiar with anna and her beautiful books and for those of you who aren’t it is my pleasure to introduce you…
anna lives in melbourne and has been illustrating children’s books since 2007…she has stolen my heart with her precious work. she also makes me realize that i should definitely continue to admire from the outside…which, of course, is my pleasure. xo mrs. french