Entries from January 2016

What’s in your cart?

January 30, 2016


  1. rodebjer wep shoulder ruffle dress
  2. repetto belita heels
  3. ulla johnson silk delphine dress
  4. closed rose pearl embroidered blouse
  5. apiece apart augustina button up shirt
  6. mes demoiselles knee-length dress
  7. malene birger acitae silk dress
  8. rachel comey solitaire heel
  9. babaton lorcan dress
  10. ace & jig celestial dress in patina
  11. everlane the waffle knit tunic
  12. madewell city grid coat

this post is a tough one for me…talk about oversharing…

i am giving you a glimpse into my carts. confused? here’s the deal…i have compulsion for putting items in carts all over the web. sale season takes this behavior to a new level.

this post was also particularly tough based on the fear i have of all of you snatching up my favorites before i can.

pssst…they were in my cart first.

xo mrs. french

Ace & Jig Spring 2016

January 28, 2016


i feel like ace & jig and i have truly been through something…i pride myself on being there from the beginning. ace & jig had been something so new and fresh to me….so distinct. i remember thinking that it worked so perfectly during that time, but truly where could these gals go from there? we had seen it, appreciated each beautiful piece, but truly what more could they do? ha! what more indeed!

jenna wilson and cary vaughan and their ace & jig truly amaze me. i believe this lovely label may have moved from small and distinctive into the realm of iconic and i am happy to follow along closely…the spring 2016 line is the perfect example of this.

Look_2 Look_3 Look_5 Look_6 Look_8 Look_9 Look_13 Look_15 Look_22 Look_24-1

thank you ladies for inspiring and surprising us season after season…

xo mrs. french

It’s been at least a week…

January 26, 2016


goodness! it has been at least a couple weeks since i had the pleasure of sharing a bright scandinavian interior with all of you. i feel as if i can remedy the situation today. who doesn’t love thonet, original crown molding and perfectly worn floors? i can’t think of anyone.

SFDD27858D8465D46D89C8D1B3DBCA7DC04 SFD783B6A04B94944808853937630F871F4 SFD3739D5396DAC4A5498C7540873C6BD65 SFDB5119612860C44248438BA297C7612F4 SFD0B314DAA45044A95B72DCFADD3C918B6 SFD5FC72AFF391C4C3688E72377D4BBEE26 SFD07E3D2889BA9499D812D21644E7C938E SFD6823B23689034AE6B000FB6EFC011D26 SFDFBD2ECCCE01648DE8443DBA6FA99CD1C SFD25AC29C8DCA04D14A2EB6876150609AE SFDF774D2D0FBFB43CF83FAEEB984FF4545 SFD2C2617A1A3D440DE8D6D6D136B28B949 SFD82A90776E69E49C898C9ADCCFB91D507 SFD0193C9BD9BCD484FB73DB0C954512CE3 SFDEA9640B8373B43C887980748D2202FC7

also, what is it about radiators? truly, i miss the hiss sometimes…

xo mrs. french

via the alway lovely coco lapine

photos by Jonas Berg source Stadshem

Design by Ana Degenaar + Development by Brandi Bernoskie