Entries from February 2017

My Happy Place: Green

February 28, 2017

oh green…typically, as you know, i have no room in my heart for any color besides white. this home has me thinking that green maybe my thing.

a girl has room in her heart for more than one hue…right?

xo mrs. french

via: coco lapine design 

source: elle decoration

i ♡…

February 27, 2017


hello dearest everything…i do so love sharing my list with all of you today. i hope your monday is fantastic!

xo mrs. french

Sessún Spring-Summer 2017

February 23, 2017

as you know, i have never been a fan of winter…this one, in particular, has been brutal. finally, i am beginning to see glimpses of spring around the corner. needless to say, i am embracing it fully. if i had my way i would want my spring/summer to look a bit like this…

sessún spring-summer 2017 embodies the cool, effortless, timeless style i strive for…

xo mrs. french

Design by Ana Degenaar + Development by Brandi Bernoskie